Monday, July 30, 2012

It's Been a While

So it's been a long time since I last updated about Dallas.  With it being summer, Dallas' schedule being so hectic, and feeling like there just aren't enough hours in the day, I haven't been around to post.

But, I know that everyone is concerned about him, and would like an update... so I'm going to go back to the original plan of blogging Monday's and Friday's.

"So how is Dallas doing?"
He's doing well.  He still has good days and bad days, but it seems like the bad days are fewer and farther between.  On the other hand... when it's a bad day... it's a BAD day.  Perhaps because I'm classifying things differently now, with what's "good" and what's "bad" for him.

Dallas received his face mask a little over a week ago.  He liked it the first day putting it on... but taking it off, yeah, he didn't like that so much.  It pulled underneath his ears and hurt him.  Trial and error.  We've gotten to where we can put it on with ease; and take it off pretty easily as well.
He isn't wearing it 23 hours a day yet.  Working up to that.  But he has been wearing it at least 12.  We have to buy another one this week.  Going to have to get him another set of garments as well, considering his camo one's are getting too loose.
Also, the face mask helps considerably, but it seems it's only momentary.  I say this because he will wear it for 12 hours, take it off, and his face is so smooth.  It is almost like there is little to no hypotrophic scarring on his face (once the mask comes off).  However, about an hour later, there it is.  Thick, rigid, tight scarring.  It's baffling.  Hopefully the more he wears it, the more it will smooth out the scarring completely.

As for Dallas' right arm.  It's doing well.  Physically, his arm looks great.  The skin is smooth.  There is very little hypotrophic scarring where the Integra was laid under the grafted skin.  However, there are areas that are super tight.  Such as in the front of his armpit.  It continues to get tighter.  Dr. Molnar says he will need a release done in the future there.  As well as on the inner area of his elbow (where there is hypotrophic scarring that has started).  We are going to discuss steroid injections into the scar sites.  Apparently this is supposed to prohibit further scar development in these areas and help break it up (this is according to Dr. Molnar).  Going to have to do some research and see what comes up.  The doctor would rather try that first, than do surgery, simply because it's less invasive.  The down side to it, is that we will have to commit to steroid injections every 6 weeks into those sites.  That means Dallas will have to endure multiple shots every month and a half.  But if it works, it'll be worth it.  ***Praying that will be the answer***

Dallas' right flank (the right side of his body) is also developing very tight scars.  It's getting very thick and rigid.  But that's one of the areas they aren't *as* concerned about.  Although, he does have stretching and massage therapy to those areas.

Speaking of therapy, it is getting more intense as the weeks go by.  Monday's and Wednesday's Dallas has physical therapy, focusing on getting stronger, building endurance, and so forth.  Tuesday's and Thursday's Dallas has massage therapy for his body and face.  Massage therapy started out as something he enjoyed.  Until it got more intense and the pressure applied is so much greater, the stretching involved is much more as well.  So it hurts him.  Which, hurts us to see.
Mentally, it is getting rougher watching his therapy go on.  It is getting harder to see him limited in what he can do.  And when he starts crying because it's hurting him, it tears me up inside.  It takes everything I have not to break down as well.

Dallas has SO much he has to wear, his pressure garments, face mask, neck brace, airplane splint, elbow splint.  It's crazy.  There's so much he's supposed to wear, so much he's supposed to do, it's taking away from him being able to be a child.  He's losing his childhood.

This weekend is a prime example of his childhood being lost.  Travis stayed at home with Kiana and Dallas, while I took Tyler and Mac to the water park.  Last year, we took Dallas to the water park.  He LOVED it.  We talked about going this summer (before all this happened) and Dallas was looking so forward to it, but now, he can't go.  It's too hot.  The sun is too much for him.  And he's scared of getting hurt, that the water will hurt him, that the sun will burn him, that he will bump into a wall, etc.  It's not fair.
We were talking about going to the zoo over the summer, taking a family vacation to the beach, playing mini golf, going to the mountains to go camping, going to the lake.  And now, none of it can happen.  Now, Dallas is limited to what he can do.  Sure, he can go outside.  But prior to going out we have to put 50+SPF sunscreen on his entire body, making sure to really layer the grafted areas.  Then, he's only out for 10 or 15 minutes before getting exhausted from the heat and sun.
And there's limited indoor activities he can do.  Trying to find things to do inside, that DOESN'T cost a ridiculous amount is very difficult to do.  Almost every indoor activity to take him to costs money.  It's so much easier and cost effective to take kids outdoors during the summer.  I've never realized how difficult it is when something like this happens.  Maybe soon everything will get back to a more "normal" state and Dallas will be able to go outside.

I'm sure I'm leaving some things out... a lot has happened in the last couple of weeks.  So as I remember more, and as things go on, I will continue to update.  For now, expect updates at least on Monday's and Fridays (possibly more often if I get the time).  I will mark it on my calendar so I don't forget to do it.

Until next time, have a good day!  Thank you all for your continued support, for the donations he has received, and for all the prayers!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Powers on... Dallas is good

We got our power back over the weekend.  Thankfully!  it was getting far too expensive to stay in the hotel!  Dallas is doing pretty well... ups and Downs.

Had a fever again last night and today, so missed PT.  I think it's from the infection he has.  There's a few areas along the hairline, which have become infected.  Hopefully it'll clear up soon.  Good thing we see the plastic surgeon Monday for a clinic visit.

I've also decided that rather than give daily updates, I will regularly update on Mondays and Fridays.  It'll make it easier on me, with everything going on. 

I will update pics soon. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ups and Downs

Dallas is having ups and Downs.  I'm sure that being in a hotel room isn't helping.  This is getting crazy.  We've been here since Saturday morning.  We have the room through this coming Saturday.  Praying to God that the power will be restored by then. 

Dallas has an airplane splint now, to help stretch out under his right arm.  They are pretty certain that he will need a contracture release there in the near future.  He can barely get above 90° now with that arm.  The airplane splint will help prevent it from getting worse.

So now he has a neck brace and airplane splint he has to wear.  We have to work up time with it, until eventually he's wearing it all night and at least half the day.  Sigh. 

Just wanted to give a quick update since I'm using my phone for this.  I will give a more in depth update as soon as I can. 

Please keep Dallas in your thoughts and prayers.  Please pray we will have power soon.  Not only is this hard on Dallas physically, mentally, emotionally, but the financial strain is equally as difficult.

God does amazing things and watches over his children.  This is just another bump in the road, but we will make it through this, as we continue to get through each day and are blessed with such a wonderful family, great friends, and an amazing support system.

Thank you to everyone for keeping up with Dallas, as well as the rest of us!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

No Power

Not sure what day this is for Dallas, since I'm updating from the app on my phone.  Friday evening we had some bad storms come through and it knocked our power out.  So we're staying at a hotel. 

The first night, we stayed in the house.  That night, Dallas got really sick, throwing up... he was too hot.  It had to be 95 or hotter in the house, even at 2am.  It was awful.  The next day, we decided to get a hotel.  It wasn't fair for the kids to have to be in the sweltering heat, especially with Dallas in the condition he's in.  He can get heat stroke really easily, and we can't risk that. 

So here we are, sitting in the hotel.  Dallas and Travis are playing the Xbox, Tyler and kiana went to the pool, and Mac and I played legos.  Our days have been so busy. 

It's crazy here right now.  There's power in a handful of places, and the current status from the electric company is that we should have power by Friday.  Friday?  Really?  We can't stay in a hotel that long.  Not only are the quarters really cramped, but its costing us an arm and a leg to stay. 

Praying that we'll have power tomorrow or the next day.
Dallas is doing pretty well through all of this. 

Will try and update more as soon as possible.