Monday, September 24, 2012

Homeschool: Unit 1- The Letter S

Today is the first day of Unit 1:  The Letter "S".

Dallas had a good day.  We learned about the letter "S".  The sounds "S" makes.  Different words that start with the letter "S".

He got to draw the letter "S" in the salt.

He also drew a smily face, since it starts with the letter "S".

We also did different math activities, as well as some others.

He is really enjoying homeschool so far!  I am so happy with this program!

Therapy is getting better

Dallas has been enjoying therapy more often than not.  There are times, each therapy session, that really puts a strain on all his scars, on his limitations and movements, sometimes tears are shed.  However, therapy is getting better.  He is getting stronger, doing more, and building his endurance.

I thought I'd share a video of a recent session.

This is what he calls "the water".  It's a blue mat, kind of like an oversized bean bag, and he loves to jump on it.

Dallas jumping in "the water"

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Benefit for Dallas - Update

The American Legion in Waynesville, NC is hosting a Benefit for Dallas on Saturday, Sept. 29th. They will be selling BBQ, raffling a TV, having a band and other activities. Dallas is working hard towards recuperation, but there are lots of procedures and hurdles he will have to overcome. We hope you can join us for this event. Thank you so much.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Little Update

So, lots of people have been asking about how Dallas is doing.  And I haven't updated in a while.

Here we go.

Dallas is getting better one day at a time.

He is able to raise his right arm above 90 degrees now, albeit just barely, but that's still progress.

His infections are still there, getting bigger and worse.  So we are trying our best to keep them as clean as possible, though nothing is seeming to help.  Hopefully when he starts steroid injections, Dr. Molnar will take him in and "scrub them" like he said he would.  But who knows?

Still no word as to when his first round of steroid injections will be.  Still awaiting the approval from the insurance company.  Hoping and praying they WILL approve it.  Otherwise, he will have to have releases instead.

He's been wearing his mask more often, which is helping with the scarring on his face, though it gets stuck to the infection areas, so it's a catch 22.  Either he wears it, and it helps with the scarring, BUT the infected areas get no air, and therefore, more bacteria breeds.  Or, he doesn't wear it, he doesn't get the compression and good results from it, but, his infected areas have a chance to clear.  It's a no win situation either way.  And it's driving me crazy (and him as well).

Dallas started playing baseball outside.  He's getting really good at it, hitting almost every ball that is thrown to him.  He's enjoying it, and I believe it's helping with his range of motion as well.
On the other hand, there is a scar in his inner elbow that is getting worse, and has been getting worse since he's started playing baseball.  A result of playing, or just a coincidence?  I don't know.

School is going well.  There are days where he really enjoys it, and other days that he struggles to get through.  But overall, he is doing very well.

Also, the American Legion is setting up a banquet/benefit for Dallas.  I believe it's September 29th, but I don't know all the details.  More to follow.

If there is anything else that you all would like me to address, feel free to comment or send an email.  :)

Have a blessed day.