Friday, August 17, 2012

Another Update :)

Dallas had a good week overall.  We got some of the scabs off is his head (where the infection is) and it's beginning to clear up some.  YAY!  GOOD NEWS!!!

Therapy has been going well.  Dallas continues to get stronger.  He's getting even more energy.  So they are looking at scheduling him for OT again.  Right now, they cut back to just PT and Massage Therapy.  So increasing therapy would be great for him.

We also received his homeschool curriculum.  He is so excited to start!  We are going to begin this Monday.  It looks like a great program.  He should do well!

Dallas has his next appointment with Dr. Molnar on Monday the 27th.  Hopefully things will go well at that appointment.  I'm getting nervous for him.  He's definitely not going to like getting steroid injections if that's what we decide to go with (hopefully if all goes well with that, he won't have to have releases done on the thicker scar tissues).

It's hard to believe that it's been 4 1/2 months since his accident, so he is only about 3 1/2 months out from surgery.  The doctors told us that during the first four months is when things will get worse, after that, they will improve.  So if this is the worst it's going to be, then it gives me a much more positive outlook on his future.

I think we are going to take the kids to the National Forest this weekend.  Have a cookout and let them play at the playground.  Dallas had fun the last time we went.  So if we head out there around 5pm, the sun will be behind the trees, it'll be cooled down some, and there won't really be anyone there.  So we could have the place to ourselves.  I'll be sure to take pictures and post them!  :)

The only negative things going on with his progress is that Dallas still isn't sleeping through the night.  He usually gets up once a night, which interferes with his rest.
He still has the staple in his right arm.  Which I am working on talking him into letting me take it out.
And he has some restrictions and limitations with his right arm.

Of course, there's the normal things... his scarring is pretty thick, he's still very pinkish-red, etc.  But those things will improve with age.

Overall, Dallas is doing well.
He continues to amaze me with his determination.  With the motivation he has.
Even when he wants to give up, when things hurt him or it gets too hard, he pushes himself farther.  He goes above and beyond.  He continues to inspire us!

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