Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Homeschool (Days 1 & 2)

So far, we are two days into homeschool.  Dallas has had a great time and is learning so much.  Just wanted to share a few photos of how things are going.  :)


Day One:

Day Two:

1 comment:

  1. Dallas, Nanna and Poppa are so very very proud of you. Everytime we see your beautiful smile,and see how hard you are working, we are reminded of your strength and determination. We can see that you are working hard and getting stronger every day. We miss you so much and want to see you very soon! Always remember that you are an inspriation and hero to us and many others, Dallas. Keep working hard, studying hard and smiling!!!!! We love you!


Thank you for stopping by to comment! Have a blessed day! :)