Friday, December 14, 2012

Doctor Visit

Wednesday we went to see Dr. Molnar so he could evaluate Dallas' last round of steroid injections.  He was very pleased to see that they have helped out his neck and arm, and said that it even appears some redness has subsided.  YAY!  (hard to tell his redness subsiding since we see him everyday).

He is concerned with some areas of thick scarring and is positive that Dallas will be needing contracture release surgery along with more grafting.  This would include his arm, near the armpit, his elbow area, and the thick band of scarring across his chest.  He advised us that the longest he could wait to have this done would be next summer.

Since Dallas is in school, I believe we will just wait until mid-summer to have him go through surgery.  The surgery will render him immobile for weeks, if not months, so during the school year is out of the question.  He is just now meeting friends and getting adjusted to kindergarten life.  It would be wrong to take him out of it already.

And we don't want to do this at the beginning of the summer and have Dallas completely miss out on his summer again!  So I was thinking maybe mid-July.  This is when it would be too hot to go out and play anyways, and would give him a partial summer.  I think it is something we will be discussing with Dr. Molnar on Dallas' next visit.

We have to go back to Winston-Salem on January 14&15 for Dallas' next round of steroid injections.  The 14th will just be for his physical, to make sure he is in good medical condition to go through with the surgery.  The 15th he will have the injections done.  This time, Dr. Molar wants to focus on his armpit area, inner elbow, and the band across his chest.

Hopefully this next round will help out as much as the first round did!  If so, maybe his surgery will be minimal.

Dallas will still have another 2-3 sets of injections prior to surgery (if we set it in July).

On the way home, Dallas was complaining that his throat was hurting him.  When we got home, he had a low grade fever and did the next morning as well.  So he didn't go to therapy Thursday morning, nor did he go to school.  Last night, his fever spiked to 102.5.  So I took him into the doctor today, and it was deemed that he has an upper respiratory infection.  He was given amoxicillin and if he isn't feeling better by Monday, they want to see him for a check up.

Hopefully the meds will clear it up, as we don't want this turning into bronchitis or worse.

For now, plenty of rest, Ginger Ale, Chicken Noodle Soup, and Applesauce.  :)

I will update his condition over the weekend.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and keep Dallas in your thoughts!

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