Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This update is long overdue.
Sorry that I haven't been around much to keep you all informed of Dallas' progress.

However, here's the latest news.

Dallas had a wonderful Christmas.  He had a blast in Gatlinburg.
He got to spend time with his Nanna and Poppa, his Grandma and Grandpa, his bubba (Tyler), Kiana, Mac, and of course, Travis and me.  It was wonderful spending time with everyone.
Dallas played a lot of mini-golf while we were there.  GREAT exercise for his right arm!  And he did quite well.

He also went to the indoor waterpark!  I think he was a little intimidated at first, but he came around.  Once he got into the swing of things there, he didn't want to leave!  He ran around like a little six year old boy should.  :)

When we returned home, there was a package our neighbors held for us.  Addressed to Dallas.  He was so excited!  Upon opening it, he discovered a welding helmet with the signatures from all kinds of people!  He was thrilled!!  We now have it hanging on his wall, in his room.  And any time anyone sees it, he explains what it is.  :)

Recently, he underwent another round of steroid injections.  He did really well, and didn't show the least bit of fear.  In fact, we asked him if he was nervous.  His response?  "What is there to be nervous about?"  Words far to wise for a six year old.  Sigh.
The procedure lasted about an hour, and he came out of it well.  He was also excited about seeing his PawPaw and Uncle John; as well as his Grandma and Grandpa.  Afterwards, we all went out for breakfast (since he hadn't been able to eat for hours upon hours).

He has to go back for a check up in April.  At this appointment, they will be setting a date for his release surgery.
The doctor seemed to be unhappy about his arm, and some areas of the chest that were causing problems.  So it is our understanding that they will be cutting out all the tight scarring, and regrafting those areas.  :(
He will have to be splinted after this surgery, which is REALLY going to bother him.  I'm not too worried about his pain level from the surgery, as he has developed an extremely high pain tolerance.  I'm more worried about his mental and emotional state.  He will need 15 weeks recovery time from this!  That means he'll be starting the first grade late, he'll be splinted for months, and have very limited mobility.  He will practically be bedridden for the entire summer.  Hopefully we can figure out some things to do that will keep his mind occupied so he doesn't fall into too deep of a depression.

As for school... things are going great.  He is a little behind (mostly his sight words that deal with color) but other than that, he's become very accustomed to the routine.  He does get tired during school, and becomes irritated at his itching, which is becoming progressively worse, but overall, the teachers tell us that he's adapting quite well.

Therapy is also going well.  He is getting more areas of sensitivity in his skin, which are becoming overly sensitive.  This interferes with therapy, as it is becoming more and more painful for him.  But, we try to explain to him that this is a good thing, it means he is healing even better.

Pictures from the holidays and general activities will be soon to follow.

Thanks for keeping up with his progress!!!

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