Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 60: June 3, 2012

The last couple of days have went well.  Yesterday was Dallas' golf benefit.  There was a wonderful turnout.  We didn't expect there to be as many people as there were, and we thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for everything they have done for Dallas.  At first, Dallas was nervous to be there and didn't know what do to; but after a while, he did much better.  Dallas had a great time and we were surprised that he stayed the entire time.  We took him on a golf cart ride around the course and he got to watch some of the other golfers.  There was a moment that was really touching to us; Dallas told everyone:  "Thank you all for coming".  It was so sweet.  It was a very long and tiring day for all of us, but it was worth it to see the smile on his face, and to see all the support he has! 

After the tournament, Dallas (as well as some others of us) were hungry, so we went to a Mexican resturant for dinner.  Dallas did well going in, but I didn't do so well.  I saw all the looks people gave him.  It's awful to see people stare and gawk at him.  I know some people are concerned with him, curious to what happened; but others look at him in a way that makes it uncomfortable for him.  It's horrible.  I ended up crying at the table because I felt so bad for him.  But it's something that we are going to have to deal with for years to come; and something we will have to help Dallas get through. 

This morning we went to Billy's church, New Beginnings.  It was wonderful!  Dallas was completely scared and nervous, as well as tired from the day prior; but everyone was so inviting and welcoming.  It made us realize, once again, how much support and love Dallas (as well as the rest of us) have.  Many thanks to everyone there! 

We also had Mac's birthday today.  He will be four tomorrow, so we wanted to make sure to do something special for him as well.  Mac is having a very hard time with everything going on, to the extent that he says he wants to get sick and be in the hospital; so it is important that we show him the time, care, and attention that he needs.  Mac had a great time, as did Dallas.   

Tomorrow Dallas has clinic.  He is going to see Dr. Zeller and Dr. Molnar, as well as his Occupational Therapist, Dana.  They want to make sure he's doing well and looking good; and we think he is.  His skin is looking so much better in so many areas.  However, more and more ulcers/blisters/open areas are appearing on his body.  He has many of them on the back of his legs as well as a few on his back, a large spot on his stomach, and some other areas here and there.  They are starting to hurt him very badly, so hopefully they will heal soon. 

We were also worried about a spot on his grafted arm, it looks like it is getting infected.  I am praying that it was bad lighting, or just something in the process of healing, but I'm worried because around the area is very hard and sore to the touch. 

On a positive note, Dallas has been weaned off his Ativan (the replacement for the Versed).  So now he doesn't have to take medicine at 3am (which was pretty hard on him).  So that's four less doses of medicine a day, and one less medication in his system.  They won't start weaning the Methadone until after his next grafting surgery, so it will be a little while. 

Hopefully all will go well tomorrow! 

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