Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 11: April 17, 2012

Day 11                                                                                                    Written Apr 17, 2012 4:11pm
Yesterday after Dallas' surgery, they moved him from the burn ICU to the pediatric ICU. He was put on a ventilator, has the breathing tube down his nose, and has it breathing for him fully right now. They are hopeful that within the next day or two they will be able to take it out, but there are no guarantees.

They gave Dallas 4 units of blood yesterday during surgery, but due to the amount of blood loss with the excising of the skin, they said that was normal. His weight continues to decrease. When he was admitted, he weighed in around 29.9kg, yesterday he was at 27.9kg before surgery, and is now down to 24.9kg. He has been running fevers off and on, but they are trying to control it before it spikes too high.

Last night was the first night we didn't spend with Dallas. Usually we sleep in the room with him, but we didn't this time around, which was extremely difficult. We came over first thing this morning and it was still very hard seeing him on the ventilator and in the condition he was in. Watching them suction out his lungs was another trying time, he would flinch and gasp for air, it's horrible watching it. He looks like he's struggling so bad, but you can see the spirit in him.

Currently, Dallas is heavily sedated, completely unaware of his surroundings (so they say), but if he gasps for air during his lung suction, wouldn't he be at least somewhat aware and in some pain? I don't know, it's just one of the most difficult things we have ever encountered, and I hope no one has to experience the same things we are going through with Dallas.

He is such a fighter, and we know he will get through this. Please continue to keep him in your prayers and thoughts.

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