Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 24: April 30, 2012

Day 24                                                                                                Written Apr 30, 2012 8:36pm
Dallas continued to run a low grade fever throughout the night. It went from 100.9 to 103 back down to 100.2 in less than two hours. This was a concern for the doctors. They continued to run blood tests, thinking that he had some sort of infection, but so far everything is coming back negative. Now the doctors are thinking about putting off his grafting surgery, again.

One doctor came in this morning and advised us that Dr. Zeller wanted to have Dallas' central line removed, as they felt that line was possibly infected; however, he would have to have a new peripheral line put in (either in the hand or foot). This caused a lot of aggravation, considering they were supposed to take the central line out in the last surgery and weren't able to. And considering that Dallas is terrified of needles, we knew it wouldn't go well.

So before we did Dallas' dressing change, they gave him his pain meds and tried to put the peripheral line in then. The first and second attempts were made in the hand, though it went without success. Dallas screamed and yelled during this time. His heart rate jumped up to over 170, and it took four nurses to hold him down. They finally tried his foot after Travis pulled his sock off and said "Here's a good vein." He had already told them prior to trying his hand (as we already know they have problems in his hands and arms). They were able to get the line in his foot on the first try. By this point, Dallas was completely worked up and terrified, which made his dressing change that much more difficult. This was probably the most difficult dressing change we have done to date. The nurse gave him an extra dose of his Versed to try and calm him, which didn't work.

The extra dose of medication eventually hit Dallas after his dressing change, causing him to sleep most of the day.  Dr. Doud (a resident surgical doctor) came in to check on Dallas.  She had been following Dallas since he was admitted, and came to talk to us daily.  She advised us that she will not be on the pediatric surgery team starting Tuesday, as she will be in rotation for Adult ICU.  However, she said she would still be coming to check in on him and see how his progress is going; it appears she has built a strong bond with Dallas.  When she came in this time, she said she bought Dallas a present.  She had went to Build-a-Bear and made him a soldier bear.  It was such a special moment for him, a very thoughtful gift indeed. 

Yesterday we brought Mac in to see Dallas for the first time. We talked to him about it before bringing him in, and he did very well. This was the first time they have seen each other since the accident (besides Mac making videos for Dallas). Mac laid in bed with Dallas for a couple of hours, telling Dallas it would be alright and that he loved him. It was a relief to see that Mac did so well, all things considered.

We have been advised that they are going to delay grafting surgery until they can get Dallas' fevers under control. They said they will still take him into the OR, but it will be to put in a pick line (or a new central line), take down some of the cadaver skin and put new cadaver skin in place (if necessary), and do a thorough dressing change. During his visit to the OR, they will be able to better tell what will need to be grafted. Grafting may be done as early as the end of the week.

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