Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 28: May 4, 2012

Day 28                                                                                                    Written May 4, 2012 7:39pm
Dallas continues to run a low grade fever; doctors still can't figure out a cause. They speculate that it could be the antibiotics, it could be the burns being excised, it could be an infection that they haven't caught yet... they just don't know. That's what is the scariest of all, that they don't know the root of the problem.

Dallas slept good last night, waking up only a few times. Hasn't had a fever in 24 hours, so that's good. But this morning, he had a coughing fit and threw up everywhere. I wasn't here, so Kiana and I came rushing over. Travis, Donna, and I were going to do his dressing change then, but he wanted to rest, so they had removed the bandages that were most dirty and we let him sleep a little longer.

We did Dallas' dressing change shortly thereafter, and he did really well this time! The worst part is that he keeps anticipating the pain, and when he sees the scissors, he's afraid he's going to get cut.

Dallas wanted to sit up and watch TV earlier, so we had him sit up at the edge of the bed, rather than laying in bed. Then he was trying to get out of bed because he didn't want to sit in bed. So we brought a chair around and he sat in it for a while. It was great to see him out of bed. Dallas also ate a fig newton cookie today. Another step in the right direction.

Physical therapy came in to work with Dallas. They had him get out of bed and walk out of the room this time. Such a great accomplishment! Dallas wasn't too thrilled about doing it, but we were all so happy for him, he did so well. After PT, Dallas was worn out and took a nap.

Dallas didn't wake up until almost 9pm, so he will probably be up all night. Gonna be a long night. Hopefully he will still be able to sleep tonight. We'll see...

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