Thursday, May 31, 2012


Depression                                                                                             Written Apr 20, 2012 7:43pm
We are concerned that Dallas is becoming more and more depressed, as he is confined to bed. This is very difficult for him, not only physically, but mentally as well. He is so used to being independent, being strong, and being him... And what we are seeing is not him (demeanor wise). He is unable to hold a cup, feed himself, have much mobility; his strength is not where it was before surgery (as he was progressing so well), and we feel he is having a setback.

When we look into Dallas' eyes, that twinkle is no longer there, his spirit is diminishing. Nothing seems to cheer him up, and he barely smiles anymore.

It is very hard to see your child, one who was always so happy and outgoing, a child who was so carefree... Go to a child who has a depression in his eyes.

We are doing everything we can to try and make him as happy and comfortable as possible, but it seems like every path is a dead end. I wish there was something we could do, something we could say... It is such a horrible feeling to be so helpless. To know that the things Dallas used to enjoy are no longer available to him.

Something like this TRULY makes you realize how much of "the little things" we actually take for granted. A smile on your child's face, watching them run in the yard, seeing them jump up and down on the bed, a hug from them, a kiss, being able to hold them. EVERY LITTLE THING matters! Please, make sure you cherish these moments with your children. Tell them how much they mean to you, how much you love them, that they ARE your world! Children need to know this, and we as parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, need to make sure there isn't a moment in their life that they feel unloved.

We love you more than life. You are our little soldier and know that you will get through this. You are strong, you are tough, you are determined... You can do anything, and we mean ANYTHING, you put your mind to. You have touched everyone in a way that I don't think anyone else ever will.
Know that you have so much support, not only from us, but from your family, friends, and people you have never met. There are so many people praying for you, there are so many people that care about you, and each and every one of us want to see you get better.
We all know, without a shadow of a doubt, you will make it through this, and this will be something that will make you even stronger. It will give you even more determination to be the best you can be. It will give you even more strength and will. And you will continue to be an inspiration as you go on with your life.

We love you so much little man! Don't ever forget that!

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