Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 27: May 3, 2012

Day 27                                                                                                    Written May 3, 2012 9:57pm
Dallas ran a fever again last night, 101.9, but it came and went. Donna and Kiana stayed with Dallas so that Travis and I could get some rest. Overall, Dallas did pretty well, besides the constant itching.

Dallas' dressing change went a little better this time. He is still having anxiety with them, fearing and anticipating the pain, which works him up even more. But he did pretty good.

After the dressing change, physical therapy came in to work with him. Dallas threw the football around, played the angry birds game, and walked around to the other side of the bed (with support). Afterwards, he was very tired.

Mac came to see Dallas today. Dallas was so excited. They laid in bed together and played a game, and watched tv. It was sweet to see them together again.

Around 2:30pm, Dallas' fever has reached 102. They are also having issues with flushing his pick line, saying there could be a clot in the line. Every time he bends his elbow the line stops working. The whole point of that placement (below the elbow) meant that he could bend it without problems, but now it's causing problems? Hopefully they can figure out a way to fix this without immobilizing his arm (that being his good arm).

When Mac left, Dallas had a breakdown. He started crying, saying "I Love You, Mac". He didn't want him to leave. It's so hard seeing these two little boys have to separate. They love each other so much, they are best friends. But Mac will be back up again tomorrow.

They drew more blood for cultures and did xrays on his chest again. The doctors cannot figure out a cause for Dallas' fevers, and are trying to rule everything out. They do not want to go into the operating room with him running a fever and having a possible infection. The xrays showed that his lungs looked OK. Not a lot of cloudiness, but he wasn't expanding them as far as he should be, so we have to do more breathing exercises with him. Laying in bed causing your lungs to work at less than full capacity, which can cause pneumonia to develop, and that's the last thing we want happening!

Donna and Travis are staying with Dallas tonight. Kiana and I came to the Ronald McDonald house. I had some schoolwork to do, so a thank you to Donna for all she's doing.

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