Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 33: May 9, 2012

Day 33                                                                                                    Written May 9, 2012 8:55pm
Dallas had a very rough night last night. The intentions were to keep him sedated throughout the night; but he didn't sleep much at all.
His nightshift nurse did a linen change that we didn't think he was supposed to have.  She rolled him around and moved him very roughly.  Hopefully it didn't do any damage to his grafts or cause them to shift, considering it had only been 12 hours since the grafting surgery. 

His blood pressure was very high yesterday, reaching 145/95 at one point; however, his heart rate was fine, so they didn't think it was attributed to pain. Throughout the night, it lowered, until finally reaching around 95/44, so perhaps it was just due to the immflamation from surgery? Just happy to see it back around normal.
Dallas had an X-ray this morning for his lungs to make sure pneumonia isn't setting in.  The x-ray showed a little fluid in his lungs, but nothing of major concern.

Dallas is listed as a "Critical Airway" which requires 24 hour, one on one care for him, but that's not the care he received. It was very frustrating to see how little time was actually spent with him. There were many occasions when we had to go out to get the nurse because she wasn't around. We definitely weren't too thrilled with what happened.

There were so many times that were frustrating to us, but thankfully, his nurse today is awesome! Lindsey, his nurse today, has been in the room with him the entire time and has given him the care he really needs.

Dallas has been much more alert today; there were many times when he tried to call out for "Daddy", and each time, Travis went right by his side. Dallas immediately smiled whenever he came over. It's so sweet to see his smile.

The respiratory therapist lowered the number of respirations that the ventilator is pushing out, requiring him to breathe more and more on his own. The plan is to have him completely off the ventilator by Friday.

Originally, the doctors were talking about keeping him completely sedated for the first couple of days, but I think that they have realized that he will fight through whatever mediations they give him. In order to try and keep his pain minimized, especially since he is more alert, they have put him on a Dilaudid drip. This is another concern we have, because while we do want to ensure that he is experiencing little to no pain, we also do not want him to become addicted to yet another medication.

Dr. Zeller has advised us that they will be doing a dressing change on Friday, and he will go back to the OR on Monday to take off the dressings and check to see how the grafts are taking. If the grafts are taking, they shouldn't have to take him back in again anytime soon (future possible surgeries for scar revision, etc). If they don't take, they will decide when he will need to go back again.

We were talking with Physical Therapy and they were talking about compression garments for Dallas once the grafts begin to take and he's able to go home. They told us the compression garment will be a lot like a wetsuit. So he will require a body suit and a compression mask for his face. They said the one on his face will be transparent.

Dallas is getting very agitated. He hasn't slept much throughout the day, he is getting more and more itchy, and he can't speak, so we have to try and read his lips.

We pray he will get some rest tonight and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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