Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 9: April 15, 2012

Day 9                                                                                                    Written Apr 15, 2012 10:14pm
Dallas was able to get a little sleep last night.  He began running a temperature again, which peaked at 105.6, finally breaking around 1:00pm.  He has also had a lot of coughing recently.  The doctors say that he doesn't have signs of pneumonia, nor does he have any infections, which is good. 

The blood infusion took very well.  His red blood cell count is up, though his white blood cell count is down from yesterday.  The doctors assured us that it was still within the normal range. 

Last night, Dallas was able to breathe without the oxygen in his nose for a few hours, keeping his levels up, which is great.  Him being able to breathe without constant help is a sign that recovery is going better. 

The plastic surgeons came and spoke with us.  They will be doing some grafting tomorrow to different areas of his body, but this will be the first of many operations (according to right now).  We have been told that some of his areas may improve and won't need surgery, but they won't know until time goes by.  They will also be placing cadaver skin on his face as a temporary dressing.  This will aid in the growth of new skin buds, as well as relieve some of the itching he is experiencing.  The facial plastic surgeons advised us that it will remain for 2 to 3 weeks before they will do any grafting (IF any is necessary).  We are praying that his face won't need grafting, and that the body will need minimal grafting. 

Dallas has been getting a lot of sleep today, something that is MUCH needed for him.  He has a long road of recovery ahead of him, and a very difficult day tomorrow with his surgery.  We will be praying for a safe surgery and that he will do very well. 

Please keep him in your prayers.  

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