Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 12: April 18, 2012

Day 12                                                                                                    Written Apr 18, 2012 3:31pm
Dallas is doing good. There have been moments when he has struggled, but for the most part, things have been going pretty well. Due to him being pretty heavily sedated, his pain has been relatively under control. During the times the nurses would suction his lungs, he would become agitated, which is when his true fighting spirit would show through. But his daddy would talk to him, and after a few moments, he would calm back down.

His vitals have been very good during the night, and into the day. His blood pressure and heart rate have been where they need to be. His temperature has fluctuated, but it has seemed to level out around 100.

The plastics team (the facial and hand surgeons) stopped in this morning to let us know that they may begin grafting Monday in the operating room. They will be removing the cadaver skin to see how things are progressing, and make their assessment there. It is believed, however, that it may be another week or two before they begin surgery on the face. If this is the case, they will apply a new cadaver skin dressing to his face until his next OR visit.

Dr. Zeller and her team came in to advise us about his upcoming surgery on Monday, answered all our questions, and is very optimistic that things will go well. She has advised us that this will be the first of several operations for grafting, leaving his elbow until the end (due to using integra, a synthetic skin material). She is also putting in an order to have his ventilator removed tomorrow, so they have introduced a new medication to make him more aware of his surroundings, but still in as little pain as possible. This will also help him come off of the ventilator, enabling him to breathe on his own. They've been gradually decreasing his respirations that the ventilator is pushing for him, and by morning they would like him to be at 4 ventilator breaths per minute so that he is breathing mostly on his own. They are planning on removing the tubes between 10am and 12pm.

We are praying that he will be off of the ventilator and will be breathing well on his own. We can't wait until he is more aware and sees us, and knows for sure we are with him. I know that he understands we are with him, but for him to be able to see us, I am sure it will make him feel much better.

It really amazes me how much of a fighting spirit he has. I hope he continues to stay this strong throughout this ordeal. He has a very long road ahead of him, and will need every ounce of strength he can get. He has so much support, I am sure he will be just fine.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

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