Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 8: April 14, 2012

Day 8                                                                                                Written Apr 14, 2012 11:17pm

Dallas had a rough night again. He was unable to sleep most of the night, but was able to get some sleep this morning. His temperature broke overnight to around 99.7, but is now back up to 103.3 and it finally broke around 1pm. We have been advised that due to the extent of the burns, it's quite normal for his temperature to be up. Blood work and a urinalysis have been done and there are no signs of infection as of yet, which is a plus. 

He went through his dressing change again (which is done twice a day); this helps to relive some of his itching, but also keeps him more comfortable and assists with new skin growth. 

We were advised that his red blood cell count is very low and he will need an infusion. Around 2pm he was given the blood and seemed to do a little better. He wasn't as fatigued, he was moving around a little more, but shortly thereafter he began to get tired and worn out. 

We were able to get Dallas in a wheelchair today and pushed him around about ten minutes. It was very good for him to get out of the room, even though he wasn't too happy about it. Maybe he will be more excited in the coming days. 

Hoping for a good night and that Dallas will get some rest. He has been very restless for the past couple nights, which have been very hard on him. I pray he gets a good night's sleep and is able to feel at least some what better in the morning. 

We are praying that everything turns out well with this infusion and helps his road to recovery.

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